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How To Play Music Through Mic And Talk

How To Play Music Through Mic And Talk
  1. How To Play Music Through Mic And Talk App

Alfmic.sorry those instructions didn't get you up and running.Yes,I am playing through my 'soundcard' with no mic in the chat rooms,and you will be too before we finish here.I'll try and make these instructions as brief as possible.Follow this path: go to.control panelhardware and soundsound click on 'recording tab' then 'right click' on empty space in that box.Check.show 'disabled items' and 'disconnected items'.Here is where you will see 'stereo mix' check it and then click 'apply' and 'ok'.This should get you setup. Ok so im a bit late with this one but for anyone else who needs it heres how. Please bear in mind your sound card may not be capable of applying the sound direct. But you want to play to an audience without needing to hear the music yourself.?Open your sound device and click recording then right click the box and ensure there is a tick in show disabled devices.

So if you got a USB headset, you could channel voice output to that and keep sound/music to your default sound device, than use the USB headset's input and your default sound output mixed to a virtual input device and use that in Discord. Either way, you need to separate the voice chat output from the sound output.


Now you have those options that you had back in XP. Off the top of my head its stereo mix you want but i could be wrong (depends on the card) right click the device and enable it then right click again and set as default. Hey presto it will now play through your sound card direct and wont be affected by what volume your speakers are set to.

How To Play Music Through Mic And Talk App

To return to normal det your microphone device back to default. Just play around with which devices are there cmedia chips i think use stereo mix and creative's version is called what you hear. Dont flame me if you dont have these devices as i said early in my post not all cards have this capability.RegardsShawaddy.

I currently am running Windows Vista 64 bit. I also have a Logitech USB headset.The problem I'm having is that any sound that goes through my headset speakers (such as sounds from games) can be heard over my microphone. I personally can't hear it come out of the microphone but anyone I'm voice chatting/skyping with can hear EVERYTHINGthat comes out of speakers. Obviously that makes things a little difficult when we're trying to play games since hearing every sound from my game is quite distracting to them.My friend has the exact same headset as me but I can't hear anything from his side except his voice (although he is also running Windows 7 so it might be a Vista thing?). It's like my speaker and microphone lines are tied together or have the same output orsomething. How can I fix this so only I can hear what comes out of my headset speakers?EDIT: Forgot to mention, if I manually mute my microphone (by pushing the button on the headset) then people cannot hear the sounds from my headset speakers. Thank you for the reply.I'm actually not sure if it happens with other headsets as I only have this one.

It is a USB headset. I'm trying to remember back when I had a non-USB headset (the one with the two lines you have to plug in for headphones and microphone separately), and Idon't think it was an issue but I didn't chat as much then.I did try your steps to not allowed applications to take control but when I did this skype immediately said it could not detect my microphone and then the person I was chatting with couldn't hear anything from my side.


So it wouldn't work for what I need unfortunately.I still want to be able to chat on skype, just without all my headset sounds going through my microphone.

How To Play Music Through Mic And Talk